Choosing the Right Power Supply Unit (PSU)
Two-wire and three-wire electronic locks are two different types of locks used for various security applications. The primary difference between them lies in their wiring and functionality.
Pre-load, sometimes referred to as side load, on a lock refers to the amount of force or pressure that is applied to the locking mechanism from the side, rather than directly in line with the lock.
Learn how to choose the smart locking technology that suits you with this guide on how to resolve problems before they occur.
Learn how the Series 400 detachable, micro locking system offers an easy-to-install, flexible solution for cabinets with limited space. Watch the 50 second video.
Take a closer look at our Series 100 Rotary Latch locking mechanism. In our product animation, we take the lid off of the product and talk you through the exciting elements that we have designed into the lock.
TALK TO US ABOUT improving your machine security and key control / (860) 378-0302