Frequently asked questions
Selecting the right lock depends on several factors:
- The security level required
- The type of enclosure and the space available to fit it in
- The environmental factors that could affect the lock, its material and lifespan (e.g. remote location, harsh weather conditions)
- Whether it needs to meet a certain security standard (e.g. to pass accreditation)
- The key configuration required for key management
- Whether or not the lock needs to be reprogrammable.
To see the full range of locking systems that we offer, you can search our Product pages, or for help understanding the differences between our locks, see our handy guide - 'Choosing a lock'.
If you need a unqiue locking solution our in-house design and personal consultation service can modify an existing product or create a complete new design. Our team of locking experts can guide you through the whole process, from concept to build and beyond, providing after-sales support in the form of installation advice, operational guidance and key management.
If you are unsure which lock you need and would prefer to discuss your requirements, our team of locking experts can help you find the smartest solution for your application. To contact them:
Once it has been established which locking product is most suitable for your needs, you can tailor your locking system with a choice of:
- Dimensions
- Finish
- Keying
- Key registration
- Accessories
- Access control
For guidance in choosing these variants, talk to our locking experts. Alternatively, if you require a custom design you can work with our team to order a locking system that meets your exact requirements.
New customers
All orders must be submitted in writing by email or post. In line with common commercial practise, we request payment in advance* from new customers following receipt of our pro forma invoice. Payment can be made via credit/debit card, PayPal, bank transfer or cheque (UK only).
Existing customers
Please continue to submit all orders in writing by email or post. Customers wishing to purchase our products regularly can apply to open a credit account with us.
Kindly note: Our minimum order value is £150/€160.
Post: 3 Park View, Compton Industrial Estate, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN23 6QE, United Kingdom
*Please note that we will not start to design, manufacture, assemble, pack or deliver your goods until payment is received.
It is important to note that cams are not automatically supplied with our locks, so if they are required, please add them to your order at the point of sale.
If you need any advice about our accessories or locking systems please do not hesitate to contact our team of locking experts.
You can purchase accessories for our locks at any point and we will be happy to advise you which accessories and locks work together. Please note that we are only able to supply accessories for corresponding locks supplied by Camlock Systems.
Depending on the quantity and complexity of your order, our standard delivery times are between 3-6 weeks.
We carry stocks of the most frequently requested items to facilitate rapid fulfillment of orders. We also hold substantial stocks of component parts for the majority of our other product variants and assemble locks in our factory to customers' specific requirements.
Please do not hesitate to advise us of any required timescale for your order - we will do our very best to accommodate your requirements.
All returns enquiries and after-sales issues are dealt with personally, by our Quality and After Sales Manager, who will review and resolve each individual case.
In the unfortunate event that you need to return any goods to us, our Quality and After Sales Manager will liaise with you to organise that the items are safely sent back to us in their original order. Following a full assessment of the products, any issues will be resolved in a timely manner.
Payment can be made via credit/debit card, PayPal, bank transfer or cheque (UK only).
To uphold the security of your account and ensure order accuracy, we recommend placing your order by email and making payment via our Worldpay account. A link to this will be send to you by our team on receipt of order confirmation.
Please note, we cannot take orders over the phone - all orders must be submitted in writing (email, fax or post).
Customers wishing to purchase our products regularly can apply to open a credit account with us. Applications for a credit account will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Please contact our Sales Advisors for more information about how to make an application.

We strongly recommend that the key combination for a suite of our high-security locking systems is registered with us. We run a high-security online key registration systems at no additional cost, where keys can only be purchased directly from us by the authorised person(s) approved at the time of purchase.
We offer optional key registration on the majority of our cylinder locks. To uphold the integrity of your sensitive applications, key registration is mandatory on all high-security cylinders.
Once you do this, you have the reassurance that keys and/or locks with your key number(s) will only be issued to you.
Once you have placed your order, we encourage you to register your key number(s) through our online key registration portal. If you forget to do this at the time of purchase, we will send a reminder email within three weeks of placing your order.
To register your keys, visit the portal and select the option to "Register". Follow the simple steps and enter the information requested in order to register your account. There is no additional cost and it only takes a few minutes to complete.
For security reasons, we will verify your application and let you know when you can register your key(s), authorise key orders and order additional/replacement keys online at any time convenient to you.
To achieve optimum security, your key number(s) should be registered at the earliest possible time. Where an issued key number is not registered with us within one month of delivery, we reserve the right to issue this to another customer at a future date. Our
online key registration portal uses the strongest available 128 bit SSL encryption to keep your data secure.
Yes - however, we can only supply replacement keys for Camlock Systems locks.
Simply supply us with the number engraved on the key and we can deliver your new key within one week. If you need your key sooner, please advise us at the point of ordering and we will get it to you as soon as possible.
At Camlock Systems we endeavour to design and manufacture the best quality products for our customers. To achieve this, we take the testing of our products very seriously.
We start by determining how the product will be used, what sort of pressures the product needs to withstand and how long the product should last in normal use.
Our tests fall into three main categories:
- Quality assurance
- Product reliability, and;
- Lifecycle testing
Quality assurance is a continual process of batch testing both component and finished product on a predetermined number of products throughout the whole manufacturing process.
Product reliability is assessed by a series of in-house and real-world situation tests that are monitored and reported back into the design and development departments so that continual improvement can be implemented. As part of this process, we will submit the products to extreme limitation tests of both mechanical and environmental resistance.
Lifecycle testing is an ongoing process of cycle-testing on our own test rigs that can be set up to fast-track the lifecycle of a given product and to identify any long-term product component wear.
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can't find the answer you're looking for? / +44 (0)1323 410996